Friday, May 12, 2017

Another one of those money posts

I know I am not in as much debt as I used to be.  Slowly but surely I am climbing out but not I am not there yet.  In the mean time food is going up, prescriptions, gas, insurance..well just about everything.  So again I drop back and re-adjust.

=Called cell phone company today.  Seems they have not been giving me the employee discount.  Of course they don't back date it but I will at least make sure to go over the bill more thoroughly.

=Argued and won with the car insurance company.  They did not draft the payment out on the correct day and then tried to charge a 15.00 late fee.  Nope.  Your fault.  They have reversed it.

=Selling, donating or just plain getting rid of things that seem to accumulate.

=Finished health education courses for our insurance through work  This means I get a discount from August til September.  Yes it was a pain in the @ss but hey 25.00 off every two week is 50.00 bucks a month back in my pocket.

=Blood work done at the hospital in network for a bigger discount.  Like I said every penny counts.

I just need to keep pushing through right now.  Fact is even when the debt is gone I am behind on retirement and again things are getting more and more expensive leading to much more careful shopping.  Plus since the weather has been mild the central has not been turned on yet and the heat has been off for two months.

Not asking for anyone's pity just keeping myself in line.  Truthfully I have no idea if anyone even reads this :)

Friday, May 5, 2017

Food shopping...It's not for the weak

Once upon a time, in a time far, far away I have been told that food shopping simply meant going to the local market and then the local butcher and maybe if it was a good week the bakery.  I am still young(or old) enough to remember when the huckster would come around.  Fruit and vegetables were always cheaper from him because maybe his tomatoes weren't as round or the eggplant needed to be eaten right away or he had to many watermelons.  Didn't matter because what ever was cheaper from him and hadn't been planted, well then my grandmom, mom, and every other mom on the street were out there.  Seems simpler.

Food shopping for me right now is not so much a one and done thing.  Nope it's a trip to Shop Rite for their loss leaders, then to Acme for their loss leaders, usually a swing by Walmart and then Aldi's. Costco is for a major stock up when it is a three pay check month.  Usually between SR, Acme, Walmart and Aldi's I can stock up on things to get me to the next sale(like peter pan pb) hopefully I plan and get the most for my money.  So far it is working out pretty well.

But I have three people to feed and one is a vegetarian which helps.  We don't eat a ton of meat and usually have a salad at every meal.  We do eat potatoes, rice and pasta.  Which meat, chicken or fish we get depends on what is on sale and what I can do the most with.  My goal no matter what is zero waste.  I don't like throwing money into the trashcan.  We aren't starving.  That's not an issue but shopping as smartly as I can is an issue.

I am lucky that I live in a section of Philly that has all of these markets within a few minutes drive.  If they were further apart then one of them would be cut out since the waste of gas would not make up for the savings.  Plus our glorious Mayor decided to put a tax on all soda and any juice with sugar(yes even orange juice has sugar) which means I only pick up flavored seltzer or soda or juice if I happen to be outside the city limits.  That is just the way it is.

Well I shall end my boring food post now.  Its not just a food shopping trip...its and adventure.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Dante's 5th circle of hell - flex spending

Flex spending is a wonderful thing.  Go to the Doctor and just pay with your worries about having to keep track of all receipts.  Swipe and go.  Each member of the family has their own but with a few computer strokes I can keep track of all balances.  But then it happens.

The first email states they are questioning your purchase of new glasses.  OK went to the opthamologist, then picked out glasses and Rx sunglasses.  I have pretty good insurance so I swipe and go.  Three months later I get the email.  They want proof of my prescription glass refill.  I call and they tell me that they need to make sure that the glasses were purchased..sigh.  OK receipt pulled out and faxed over.

Two days later guess what I get.  A email requesting proof of both of my daughters glasses.  Same doctor and same place we purchase glasses.  Except the girls file and keep track of their bills til tax time.  Call the eye doctor and no problem they will print out the receipt and I can pick them up tomorrow or better yet they will fax them right there as long as I bring in the telephone number and sign the cover sheet.  No problem will take care of that tomorrow.

Just now I am thinking I was able to handle all of it and solve it with no problem.  Til I just signed on the computer.  They are questioning my doctor prescribed vitamin.  Sigh.  I will call the doctors office in the morning plus send a copy of the order that was filled through the pharmacist.

I am sure there are plenty of ways to get around flex spending regulations but truthfully I have enough bills that I need to make sure the money goes where it is supposed to be.  They assure me they have paid them but now I need to prove everything or repay the flex card myself.  Don't get me wrong I am happy to have it, I use it as I need it.  But what in the world could I buy at the eye doctors that wouldn't have been covered.  And really of all our medication they pick out prescription vitamins.

I know it, I hear every day how medical care and insurance companies and flex companies are rushing to cover their own behinds.  Maybe it would just be easier to send out the receipt as soon as I receive it.

Or I will just keep my mouth shut, be glad that we are offered flex and go on with my life all in all it is just a mild inconvenience.

Bothered and bewildered

Sorry for falling off the face of the earth for a few weeks.  It happens, it's part of life, well at least my life sometimes.  Right now my life is in a state of flux for lack of a better word.  There are so many balls in the air and I only have two hands to catch them so some are getting missed.  Again that's OK and just something I have to handle as I go along.

Well this was only meant to be a short post.  More later I promise