Friday, May 12, 2017

Another one of those money posts

I know I am not in as much debt as I used to be.  Slowly but surely I am climbing out but not I am not there yet.  In the mean time food is going up, prescriptions, gas, insurance..well just about everything.  So again I drop back and re-adjust.

=Called cell phone company today.  Seems they have not been giving me the employee discount.  Of course they don't back date it but I will at least make sure to go over the bill more thoroughly.

=Argued and won with the car insurance company.  They did not draft the payment out on the correct day and then tried to charge a 15.00 late fee.  Nope.  Your fault.  They have reversed it.

=Selling, donating or just plain getting rid of things that seem to accumulate.

=Finished health education courses for our insurance through work  This means I get a discount from August til September.  Yes it was a pain in the @ss but hey 25.00 off every two week is 50.00 bucks a month back in my pocket.

=Blood work done at the hospital in network for a bigger discount.  Like I said every penny counts.

I just need to keep pushing through right now.  Fact is even when the debt is gone I am behind on retirement and again things are getting more and more expensive leading to much more careful shopping.  Plus since the weather has been mild the central has not been turned on yet and the heat has been off for two months.

Not asking for anyone's pity just keeping myself in line.  Truthfully I have no idea if anyone even reads this :)


  1. Hey sweetie - I read it. Like you I am climbing out of debt. I just recently stopped contributing to my 401K so that I can get gazelle intense in getting out of debt. Yes, it is gonna hurt my retirement, but if I want to be financially fit (and that does not just mean being debt free) I need to the extra capital to get the ball rolling. You're doing fine.

  2. I read your blog. I commend your efforts to improve your financial position. Job well done!
