Monday, March 6, 2017

Getting out the clutter

I have to admit I am getting there.  My bills are actually paid on time and me being me I have the house stocked with food.  Items that will keep through lent, into spring and maybe summer.  The freezer is stocked  and I am eyeballing one of those machines that sucks all the air out of meat/chicken/fish/ so that I can keep them even longer. But we will see since it is a need not a want plus its another thing coming into the house!!!!

I am also still on my declutter spree.  If I don't need it well then I try to sell it first, then offer it to friends and finally off to St. Vincents.  I don't mean just just stuff I don't need or have room for but also thing I never really liked or things I have grown very tired of.  Plus like many of my generation I just don't have the inclination to get rid of it 2 or 5 years down the line.  I want it gone and I want it gone now.  Stocking up on food or tea bags or coffee is one thing but having  my grandmothers china(staying) and two other sets of china which is going to my daughters if they want it or out the door if they don't is another.  A 4 set of correll dishes is more than enough and yes I admit it, I use paper plates.

Being part of the sandwich generation, in between my parents and my children, I just don't feel the need for the crap.  Will my children have children...well I have no idea but they do not want the clothing that they wore for many reasons.  And that is fine with to St. Vinnys.  My goal is a trash bag a week of things I do not need.  I am sure there is someone out there who can use it.

Better I streamline in my late(cough couch) 40's then have to to do it in my 50's or 60's.  Plus the things I keep Will mean much more to myself and my children.


  1. Welcome back. I was wondering what happened to you. I missed your posts. My parents house is a mess. I try to keep clutter to a minimum.

  2. Thank God my mom only keeps things that mean a lot to her!!! She loves her shredder
